The Auto Negligence Section of the Maryland Association for Justice is putting on a seminar for Maryland accident lawyers on January 7, 2009. The speaker will be Miller & Zois’ Rod Gaston on the topic of defense medical examinations.
The dinner meeting is at:
That’s Amore Restaurant
10400 Little Patuxent Pkwy.
Columbia, Maryland 21044
Rod has spent a ton of time dealing with the numerous issues concerning Defense Medical Examinations. He will discuss what to do when defense counsel proposes or unilaterally schedules an examination of your client or files a motion for a physical examination. You will receive sample correspondence and motions designed to address the terms and conditions of the physical examination. He will show you how to limit the scope of the medical examination, how to obtain discovery from the doctor including the doctor’s financial records for impeachment purposes. Course attendees will receive an overview of Maryland Rule 2-423 and all relevant case law dealing with requests for physical examinations including the citations to the rules and list of cases. Sample correspondence, subpoenas, motions, responses to defense motions, other pleadings and court orders relating to these examinations along with selected financial records from defense “hired-guns” will be provided. Learn which judges in the various venues are our friends in this arena – and which are not. Also, learn what to do when the defendant’s “hired-gun” takes an immediate appeal from the order requiring disclosure of his/her financial records. This program will not be recorded nor videotaped and only those attending will receive the written handout materials.