
Maryland Accident Lawyer Blog


Paralysis Verdict Statistics and Settlements and Verdicts (2020 Update)

Paralysis is one of the worst injures our Maryland car accident attorneys handle.  A recent Jury Verdict Research report confirms what you would to find about personal injury verdicts for paralysis: younger plaintiffs receive higher verdicts and settlements. Plaintiffs 17-years-old and under receive a median verdict in personal injury cases…


New Study Finds Assistive Technology Contributes Car Accidents in Older Drivers

More states are joining Maryland are creating laws against using handheld devices in cars. In turn, automakers are rapidly developing new hands-free technology to assist drivers with texts, calls, and navigation by using voice commands or touch screens. Is this a good thing?  Certainly, these interactive programs in vehicles are…


Problem with New Causation Jury Instruction

All litigation attorneys in Maryland are probably very familiar with the Maryland Pattern Jury Instructions (“MPJI”). The MPJI published by the Maryland State Bar Association through the efforts of a special MSBA committee comprised of practitioners. Both the Criminal and Civil MPJI are widely used by judges across the state…


Birdbox Car Accident

Police in Layton, Utah are investigating a crash they believe was connected to the “Bird Box Challenge.”  If you have been sleeping under a rock, this challenge comprises of covering one’s eyes while performing tasks just like Sandra Bullock’s character must in Netflix’s hit movie “Birdbox”. The crash happened on…

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