There is an interesting case report in Metro Verdicts Monthly this week from a car accident lawsuit in Queen Anne’s County, Maryland. Plaintiff was a dog groomer on her way to work when the Defendant took a left turn in front of her. Plaintiff contended that she suffered a torn…
Maryland Accident Lawyer Blog
Accidents Waiting to Happen
The Baltimore Sun has an article on a fatal accident in Howard County, Maryland at Route 32 and River Road near the Carroll County border. The article underscores what is pretty easy to see on its face if you drive by that intersection a few times: everyone in the area…
Are Good Gas Mileage Cars the Cause of More Serious Injuries?
The Insurance Research Council found that rising gas prices in the last few years have increased the number of serious auto accident injuries. The reason is that when drivers switch to smaller vehicles as a result of higher prices at the pump, more accident injuries ensue. The institute took 9,000…
New Pedestrian Accident Case: Maryland Court of Special Appeals
In MAIF v. Baxter, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals ruled that Maryland law does not require a car insurer to provide uninsured motorist coverage to an uninsured stranger/pedestrian who is struck by a car driven by a person excluded under the insurer’s policy. Basically, the court found that the…
Service of Process Out-of-State Defendant
One historic hassle for lawyers serving defendant in Maryland auto accident cases is when the Defendant lives out-of-state. But for auto accidents in Maryland that occurred after October 1, 2008, car accident lawyers can serve the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) to effectuate service.
Ear Injury Lawsuits: Verdicts and Case Values
What is the value of my ear injury lawsuit? That is a tough question to answer in the abstract because there are so many types of injuries. One common ear injury in auto accidents is a burst eardrum caused by a car accident or a slip and fall that causes…
Credit Scores and Car Insurance in Maryland
WBAL has a very informational yet unintentionally funny piece on its website about the relationship between car insurance rates and your credit history. BALTIMORE — The WBAL TV 11 News I-Team has discovered that your credit can play a huge role in what you pay for auto insurance and there’s…
Maryland Bike Accident Lawyer
One thing I’ve learned over the years is that juries hate motorcycles. The image of a crotch rocket driving past at 100 mph is lodged deep in the mind of most of us. I found some very old data today suggesting another juror antipathy: bicyclists. An article in Bicycling almost…
Text Messages Banned for Howard County Employees
Howard County is trying to do its part to prevent auto accidents in Maryland: an executive order has been issued that prohibits Howard County employees from sending or reading texts or e-mails while driving. “The research and statistics are there: distracted driving causes accidents,” County Executive Ken Ulman said in…
How Much Money Will I Get for My Maryland Accident Claim?
I don’t know. I really don’t know. That answer is followed by a laundry list of lawyerly explanations: no two cases are the same, each are judged on their merits, blah blah blah. This incredibly trite response is also true. Any accident lawyer who thinks they can accurately evaluate your…